Enjoy More Time Outside!

A Safe, 100% Natural Mosquito Control Solution


New Customer Special!

Hundreds Of Homeowners Are Taking Back Their Properties. You Can Too!

From start to finish, your satisfaction in service and quality are our top priority. You are welcome to be our next 5-Star Customer.
"We love the service! We have two dogs. No ticks this season. First time ever. Not much mosquito activity this season either. Definitely worth it!"
Doug M.
Cape Cod
"Oh Deer South Shore and their employees are the best! Not only have we seen a HUGE decrease in ticks and mosquitoes, they are very fairly priced, and their customer service is great."
Georgia J.

Eliminating Itchy Bugs & Bites

In 3 Hassle Free Steps

Free Consultation

Whether in-person or over the phone, we'll evaluate your needs and craft the perfect solution for your property.

Get Scheduled

Choose the best time for you and your family. We'll never interrupt planned events or play time.

A Control Experience

Once applied, enjoy a bug free experience without all the harsh chemicals.

Your Dog Will Love it Too!

Mosquito’s don’t discriminate. If your warm, sweet, or cuddly, they’ll find you. Pro Tip: Greatly reduce heartworm and other mosquito / tick related diseases.
Give us a call and in just a few minutes, we’ll review your property, answer any questions you may have and give you a quote on the spot.

Having a party or special event?

We offer our subscribing residential clients free special event sprays. Call us to schedule yours. We also offer special pricing for commercial event venues.

More About Mosquitoes

These stealth bugs can not only ruin an outdoor event or evening in the back yard with your family and friends, they can ruin lives.

More About Ticks

Ticks are small creatures, but they can carry and spread a myriad of diseases that can wreak havoc on people and pets.

What You Can Expect

Take Back Your Yard

It's time to worrying about mosquitoes & ticks.

Re-Spray Guarantee

If you have any issues within 24 hours of service, we'll come back and spray again for free.

Priority Scheduling

Find the time that works best for you and your family outdoor time.

Set it & Forget It

Set your schedule and frequency and we'll always show-up at your convenience.